
SOS app

Today we are going to make a very simple app that we will use for call the emergency numbers.
First of all we are going to use 6 emergency numbers: Ertzaintza, Policia municipal de Bilbao, Bomberos de Bilbao, Violencia de genero, Maltrato animal and 112.

OK once we know what we are going to do search for 6 images about the emergency numbres, once we got them insert 1 PhoneCall, 1 image at the the top and 1 table arragement and inside the table arragement insert 6 buttons. Desing it as you want i have choose to center the buttons and inside the buttons insert the images:

Once we have finish the design go to blocks and made that when we click on a button it has to mark the number of the SOS number we want for example, if we want to call the 112 we have to make that when we click on the 112 button mark the 112 and call to it. 

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