Starting by the design part it's going to be something simple put a background the name of the restaurant, a button for the menu and a button to look were u can find them.
In this screen we are going to use: 1 image, 2 buttons and 1 ActivityStarter.
Once we have maded the start menu add a new screen and this screen will be our main menu for the app and add a table arragement with the same number of buttons as types of food u will insert and we are going to use them to see the diferent types of food.
And for this last part we are going to make a menu for the diferent types of food add one screen for each type of food and then insert the a button for each dish of food and a label for the description then and a image.
The last thing for this app will be the block part here we aren't going to do something new except that when we push a type of food in the menu screen the screen swich to do this is very simple add a block that when we click on a button changes the screen this last block is in the control section.
With this should be ended your restaurant app :D