
Starting with data bases

Today we are going to start with data bases for that we are going to use Microsoft Office Access or Open Office Access.

We are going to use the access from Microsoft so when you open it this is what you are going to find:

Once we see this to start a new Data Base we have to choose a new template these are in the left side of the interface.

Ok we have chose an empty data base:

Ok first of all there are a lot of things you may not understand but just follow the steps we said here and you will be able to do all the exercises we are going to do. First of all click on the button that says "Ver" and then "Vista diseño". Insert a name for the table and then you are going to be able to change the propeties of the fields. Here you have an example:

In this interface in the center u can see the fields you will have and under it you have the properties of it. Now we are going to make the relations.
First open the "herramientas de base de datos" button then click on "relaciones" and you will be on the relations screen, Now click on "agregar tablas" and you will have to open all the boards you want to make relations.

To make relations just drag the fields you want in one board with the same one in other board and this mesage will show up.

Click on create and repeat the process the same relations you want.

Now starting with the consults once you have made the relations and filled the boards you are ready to make some consults. Consults are used for search specific data. For example if you want to see how many books you have rent in a month. 

First of all go to the create window once you are there start with a consult design. these are easy to make just insert the boards you want and from the boards pick the fields you are going to use. Here is an example:
In this consult we have the autors of our library that aren't spanish. Ther are a lot of more things you can do with access but here ends todays entrance. Bye :D


Restaurant App

Hey there today we are going to start with a new app for restaurants i ahve choose the Udon restaurant in Bilbao. First of all this app is going to be only to show the menu of the restaurant and see a picture.

Starting by the design part it's going to be something simple put a background the name of the restaurant, a button for the menu and a button to look were u can find them.

In this screen we are going to use: 1 image, 2 buttons and 1 ActivityStarter.

Once we have maded the start menu add a new screen and this screen will be our main menu for the app and add a table arragement with the same number of buttons as types of food u will insert and we are going to use them to see the diferent types of food.

And for this last part we are going to make a menu for the diferent types of food add one screen for each type of food and then insert the a button for each dish of food and a label for the description then and a image.

The last thing for this app will be the block part here we aren't going to do something new except that when we push a type of food in the menu screen the screen swich to do this is very simple add a block that when we click on a button changes the screen this last block is in the control section.

With this should be ended your restaurant app :D


SOS app

Today we are going to make a very simple app that we will use for call the emergency numbers.
First of all we are going to use 6 emergency numbers: Ertzaintza, Policia municipal de Bilbao, Bomberos de Bilbao, Violencia de genero, Maltrato animal and 112.

OK once we know what we are going to do search for 6 images about the emergency numbres, once we got them insert 1 PhoneCall, 1 image at the the top and 1 table arragement and inside the table arragement insert 6 buttons. Desing it as you want i have choose to center the buttons and inside the buttons insert the images:

Once we have finish the design go to blocks and made that when we click on a button it has to mark the number of the SOS number we want for example, if we want to call the 112 we have to make that when we click on the 112 button mark the 112 and call to it. 


Bilbao tourism app part 2

Hey today we are going to continue with the app of Bilbao tourism.

In the last log we finish the basic thing on the app noiw we are goig to insert new things: a map button, a phone call button and a video button.

First of all agree an horizontal arrangement and add three buttons and rename these buttons ass videobutton, mapbutton and call button. Add one image for each button(Remember to delete the text propeties)

We are going to use these buttons to open a map, view a video on youtube and to call the number of the place we want to visit. To do this we are going to need 2 ActivityStarter and 1 PhoneCall (Rename the ActivityStarter not to be confused). Now you will have like this:

OK now the viewer part will be done now lets past to the blocks part.

For make the ActivityStarter usefull you will have to use this block [When(maps).Click do] then put the next button [Call(ActivityStarter_mapa).StartActivity]. Use the same process with the video button. 

Now for the Phone call button use this [When(llamada).Click do]and behind this [Call(PhoneCall1).MakePhoneCall]. 
With these u have taht when u click the buttons they start the activity but we are not done yet they start but they don't now what they have to do so we have to programe them but we want that wen have choose the guggenheim open the guggenheim map. To do this we have to programe in the blocks of the last log.

In these blocks u have to put these three blocks:

-[Set(ActivityStarter_mapa).(DataUri) to][Here insert the the coordenades in my case it will be(geo:43.268749, -2.934055) and remmember to put "geo:" before the coordenades.

-[Set (phonecall1).(phone number) to][Here insert the number of the place you want to visit]

-And the last one is the same as the first but with ActivityStarter_video and insert the video URL in the coordenades site.

Congratulations! Now you have finish your tourism App. Now you are prepare to doing thing by yourself the next thing we are going to do is an restaurant App. 
Bye :D


Bilbao tourism APP

Today we are going to start with our first app. This will be a very simple app for Bilbao we are going to put 3 places to visit: Guggenheim museum, Zubiarte and Azkuna Zentroa.

OK we log in APP INVENTOR and start a new project. In the Designer we are going to put: 2 labels, 1 image, 3 buttons and 1 "TextToSpech".

 In the first labe we are going to put the name of the city we are going to visit. Then we have to make the images download 1 image for each place then u have to go to media and upload the files. Then enter the second label and there u can put something about the place the user has choosen. After that put 3 buttons one for Guggenheim another one for Zubiarte and one more for Azkuna zentroa.

OK now the design will be end u can also personalize the app as u wish.

Now starting with the blocks section we have to make that wen we push the buttons the image will change. It will be like "When button1(Guggenheim).click do [Set image1.picture to][the name of the image of the guggenheim u have uploaded in my case will be guggenheim.jpg][call Text to speech1.speak message][Visite el museo guggenheim]. U Have To do the same with the others and wen u have finish it will be more less like:

Today we are going to start with APP INVENTOR.

APP INVENTOR is a development environment of apps for android devices maded by Google. To use APP INVENTOR you just need a web browser and a android device (U can use a emulator if u don't have  a android device) and a Google account. APP INVENTOR gives you the chance to save your projects on the web and see them from anywhere because it has a cloud based app(like drive).

APP INVENTOR is an visual app development tool, it's soo easy to use it even the ones that don't know nothing about programing can use it.

In APP INVENTOR you are going to use 3 tools: PROJECT MANAJER, APP INVENTOR DESIGNER and APP INVENTOR BLOCKS EDITOR. On designer you are going to make the interface and on blocks editor you are going to design the behavior of the components of your app.

For this course we sill see some video tutorials that will teach us step by step to use APP INVENTOR and create applications for moviles.
Presentation APP INVENTOR.
  • Presentation
Documentation APP INVENTOR
  • Documentation

Here are some videotutorials from the UNED: