OK we log in APP INVENTOR and start a new project. In the Designer we are going to put: 2 labels, 1 image, 3 buttons and 1 "TextToSpech".
In the first labe we are going to put the name of the city we are going to visit. Then we have to make the images download 1 image for each place then u have to go to media and upload the files. Then enter the second label and there u can put something about the place the user has choosen. After that put 3 buttons one for Guggenheim another one for Zubiarte and one more for Azkuna zentroa.
OK now the design will be end u can also personalize the app as u wish.
Now starting with the blocks section we have to make that wen we push the buttons the image will change. It will be like "When button1(Guggenheim).click do [Set image1.picture to][the name of the image of the guggenheim u have uploaded in my case will be guggenheim.jpg][call Text to speech1.speak message][Visite el museo guggenheim]. U Have To do the same with the others and wen u have finish it will be more less like: