
Bilbao tourism APP

Today we are going to start with our first app. This will be a very simple app for Bilbao we are going to put 3 places to visit: Guggenheim museum, Zubiarte and Azkuna Zentroa.

OK we log in APP INVENTOR and start a new project. In the Designer we are going to put: 2 labels, 1 image, 3 buttons and 1 "TextToSpech".

 In the first labe we are going to put the name of the city we are going to visit. Then we have to make the images download 1 image for each place then u have to go to media and upload the files. Then enter the second label and there u can put something about the place the user has choosen. After that put 3 buttons one for Guggenheim another one for Zubiarte and one more for Azkuna zentroa.

OK now the design will be end u can also personalize the app as u wish.

Now starting with the blocks section we have to make that wen we push the buttons the image will change. It will be like "When button1(Guggenheim).click do [Set image1.picture to][the name of the image of the guggenheim u have uploaded in my case will be guggenheim.jpg][call Text to speech1.speak message][Visite el museo guggenheim]. U Have To do the same with the others and wen u have finish it will be more less like:

Today we are going to start with APP INVENTOR.

APP INVENTOR is a development environment of apps for android devices maded by Google. To use APP INVENTOR you just need a web browser and a android device (U can use a emulator if u don't have  a android device) and a Google account. APP INVENTOR gives you the chance to save your projects on the web and see them from anywhere because it has a cloud based app(like drive).

APP INVENTOR is an visual app development tool, it's soo easy to use it even the ones that don't know nothing about programing can use it.

In APP INVENTOR you are going to use 3 tools: PROJECT MANAJER, APP INVENTOR DESIGNER and APP INVENTOR BLOCKS EDITOR. On designer you are going to make the interface and on blocks editor you are going to design the behavior of the components of your app.

For this course we sill see some video tutorials that will teach us step by step to use APP INVENTOR and create applications for moviles.
Presentation APP INVENTOR.
  • Presentation
Documentation APP INVENTOR
  • Documentation

Here are some videotutorials from the UNED: