

SCRATCH 2015-2016

Today we are going to start programin in Scratch.

The first we are going to program is something very basic.
We are going to make a sprite move wen we click on the start button. First of all i'm going to make the backdrop to do that go to the left down side and chose the backdrop you want. OK I have chose a street.

When you have chose your backdrop in the left down u can create a new sprite. Wen you create a new sprite you can move it on the backdrop. I'm going to take a dog to start.

To make our dog start moving it's very simple in the right side witch are all the scripts that we are going to use, to program our sprites chose the movement section and then take a [move (10) steps]
When you clikc on [move (10) steps] the dog move 10 in the direction it's looking at, but we want to make our dog move more we have to use the control section. There pick a [forever] block this block makes that this action will be repeated forever when u click on it.

OK now our dog moves in one direction but when it reaches the limit it keeps moving in the same direction, now we have to make our dog bounce wen touches the limit for that we just have to chose a bloock in motion that is called [if on edge, bounce] when our dog is in the limit and we touch that block he will bounce. But we want to make it automatic right? So for do that just insert the block in the [forever] block.

Now our dog moves to both sides and bounce in the limits but we have to click on the forever but we want to click on teh start button. To do this go to the event section and select [when (start button) clicked]. This block is used to start the script we have made by joining blocks. And this would be finished.

Now i will recomend you to try to make a butterfly that moves and says (hello).
See you in the next entrance bye. :D


The First entrance

Today i'm making this blog and this is the first entrance of it.